Wednesday, May 18, 2016

mobile cell Tips of battery for phones


The power of battery in Smart Phones have decreasing rapidly. Due to busiest life of today’s people they are unable to get charger connectivity at day time and feeling tension when battery power goes down and of condition of switch off. Here are the five mistakes that done by human being while charging mobile cell phones;

1. Put the smart phone on charging mood while battery level is less than half percent:

It is good and durable for the smart phone if user can put its battery in charging mood while battery power become less than 50%. It helps to increase the life of battery and power too.

2. Put the phone cold:

As soon as possible, keep the mobile into cold places. It means that never place at sunlight and heat area because heat reduce the battery power and it is like an en@emy.

3. Don’t make battery low
If it is possible then never make battery power low. Plug-in charger as soon as possible. If the battery is down once and charge for a while it become like a heart attack for the battery.

4. Use particular charge
The main things is use the particular charger of mobile cell phone. Using different charger can damage the battery life and charger pot too.

5. Charge at switch off mood:
If it is possible then plug in the mobile phone with charger in switch-off mood which helps to increase battery life.

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