Dharmendra Singh stands 2.4m tall only 11cm shy of the world record which is 2.51m. From childhood his height was more as compared to others of his age. But during his teenage his height difference was dramatic. He was 6 feet tall at the age of 17. He was bull!ed a lot because of his height. He was te@sed with names like camel and giraffe. At collage too he was a very $hy but respectful person. He says he never spoke or te@sed a girl in his life because he respected them. After he completed his studies he Reluctantly, he took up work as a fre@k show performer at a local amu$ement park, where he spends his days in a c@ge-like structure selling photographs to paying pun*ter for @pprox!mately 20c per pop.
He said, ‘After completing my studies, when I could not get a regular job, I got an offer saying that I will be paid (UK) 30 pen*ce per day at the amu$ement park. I charge 10 pence for one picture. Some people pay, some run away without paying. I get hu*rt when people run away without paying me.’ He also gets a monthly salary of Rs 10,000 which is his survival medium. The height is not only @ffect!ng his personal life but also taking a toll on his body. He says, ‘I few months back, I had fr@ctured my h!p bone. I got myself tre@ted in Delhi. I have a plate in my h!p, and I have to bear pa!n because of it. I have to use a stick for support.’ He is str*uggl!ng because of his height, If Dharmendra has a normal job he would be able to earn properly. But because of his low salary, deter!orating health and unusual job no one is ready to marry the man.
He said, ‘After completing my studies, when I could not get a regular job, I got an offer saying that I will be paid (UK) 30 pen*ce per day at the amu$ement park. I charge 10 pence for one picture. Some people pay, some run away without paying. I get hu*rt when people run away without paying me.’ He also gets a monthly salary of Rs 10,000 which is his survival medium. The height is not only @ffect!ng his personal life but also taking a toll on his body. He says, ‘I few months back, I had fr@ctured my h!p bone. I got myself tre@ted in Delhi. I have a plate in my h!p, and I have to bear pa!n because of it. I have to use a stick for support.’ He is str*uggl!ng because of his height, If Dharmendra has a normal job he would be able to earn properly. But because of his low salary, deter!orating health and unusual job no one is ready to marry the man.
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